This Android library adds the custom view MazePaintView
. It is a 2D grid with an entity as shown below.
Click here to see this package in a real project.
Add Jitpack repository.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the following as a gradle dependencies.
implementation 'com.github.SebastianLiando:maze-mdp:1.3.2'
If your project is Java based, ensure that Kotlin is configured for the project. First, add the Kotlin as dependency on the project-level gradle file.
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
Next, add these 2 dependencies to the app-level gradle file.
implementation "androidx.core:core-ktx:1.3.2"
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
Also add the Kotlin plugins
plugins {
id 'kotlin-android'
id 'kotlin-android-extensions'
Please the wiki section of this project for more information.
Add the MazePaintView
to your XML layout.
The most important attributes will be the columnCount
, rowCount
, and robotDiameterCellSize
For more information of the attributes, please see the wiki section of this project.
app:rowCount="10" />
The custom view requires the maze string, the maze string decoder, and the center position of the entity.
The maze string is just a string. Each character of the string corresponds to a cell of the maze starting from the top left to the bottom right. The character to use is up to the developer, as the maze string decoder will map the character to the maze cell.
To set or update the maze string, set the maze
Kotlin code:
mazeView.maze = "000001111100000"
Java code:
The decoder is a Map
that matches a char
to a Tile
subclasses. There are 2 Tile
- creates a colored cellBitmapTile
- creates a colored cell with an image on top of it
The decoder only needs to be set once. To set the decoder, set the decoder
Kotlin code:
mazeView.decoder = mapOf(
'U' to Tile.SolidTile(colorPrimary),
'E' to Tile.SolidTile(Color.YELLOW),
'6' to Tile.BitmapTile(
ContextCompat.getColor(this@MainActivity, R.color.soft_black)
Java code:
final Map<Character, Tile> decoder = new HashMap<>();
decoder.put('U', new Tile.SolidTile(getPrimaryColor(this)));
decoder.put('E', new Tile.SolidTile(Color.YELLOW));
decoder.put('6', new Tile.BitmapTile(
ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.soft_black))
The entity position is specified by the index of the center position of the entity in the maze string. For example, in a 3x3 maze, the top left will be index 0, the top middle will be index 1, etc.
To set or update the entity center position, call the updateRobotPosition
method. The second argument determines
whether the position update should be animated or not.
Kotlin code:
mazeView.updateRobotPosition(0, false);
Java code:
mazeView.updateRobotPosition(0, false);
The custom view allows to listen to clicks to the cells, and will pass the coordinates of the clicked cell. Note that the coordinate (0, 0) is at the bottom left side.
To add the listener, set the touchUpListener
Kotlin code:
touchUpListener = { x, y ->
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Clicked coordinate ($x, $y)", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
Java code:
mazeView.setTouchUpListener((x, y) -> {
final String toastMessage = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "Clicked coordinate (%d, %d)", x, y);
Toast.makeText(this, toastMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
return Unit.INSTANCE;