This repository provides the source code of "Distillation from Heterogeneous Models for Top-K Recommendation" accepted in TheWebConf (WWW2023) as a research paper.
We present HetComp Framework that effectively compresses the valuable but difficult ensemble knowledge of heterogeneous models, generating a lightweight model with high recommendation performance.
Training curves of w/o KD, DCD, and HetComp. Testing recall per 10 epochs. After convergence, we plot the last value.
We found that the sampling processes for top-ranked unobserved items are unnecessary, and removing the processes gave considerable performance improvements for the ranking matching KD methods (i.e., RRD, MTD, CL-DRD, and DCD). For this reason, we remove the sampling process for all ranking matching methods in our experiments.
- A-music dataset can be downloaded from:
- CiteULike dataset can be downloaded from:
- Foursquare dataset can be downloaded from:
- Python version: 3.6.10
- Pytorch version: 1.10.1
- The target teacher models and their trajectories need to be located in Teachers directory.
- Due to its large size, we provide pretrained teacher trajectories through another file-sharing system:
Thank you for your attention to our work. We would like to introduce our follow-up study, "Continual Collaborative Distillation for Recommender System," presented at KDD '24. In this study, we investigated a systematic approach to applying HetComp to real-world data streams, where new users, items, and interactions are continuously added.
For more details, please refer to the following links: pdf / code