A quick classic mini-game to play by command line.
The focus here is to explore object-oriented programming concepts.
- Live Demo
- Requirements
- Built With
- Quick Start
- Dependencies
- Contributing
- Acknowledgments
- Author
- License
To play online, go to the page and hit the (Run) button. Run on Repl.it
- Two players play
- Each play draw X or O alternately on board
- The game ends when someone gets 3 marks in a row
- The row can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal
- Get a valid user input
- Display board after each move
- End game if someone win
- End game if board become full
- Ruby Language
- Rubocop (Linter) with Stickler (CI Tool)
- Rspec (Unit testing)
- Git (with Gitflow), Github and VScode
git clone git@github.com:SevlaMare/TicTacToe_Ruby.git
Or just hit (Download Zip) on the green button (Code) on top of this page.
If you are on windows:
- Go inside the project folder
- Right shift '+' right mouse click (Float menu)
- Open prompt here (Option)
ruby bin/main.rb
For linux:
Ruby 2.5.5
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
You can do it on issues page.
A special thanks to the code reviewers.
👤 Thiago Miranda
- Github: @SevlaMare
- Twitter: #SevlaMare)
- Linkedin: SevlaMare)
Creative Commons