A catalog like build with React and Redux, to display the top stocks from NASDAQ.
This project was made to practice all aspects involved in creating a React application.
- Live Demo
- Requirements
- Requisites
- Built With
- Future Improvements
- Getting Start
- Contributing
- Author
- License
You can access an online version at:
And video presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBO2cOWX7-w
- Implement a catalog with React and Redux
- Setup workflow (Without create-react-app)
- Fetch data from API and store into Redux
- It should have routes and nested routes
- Stateless filter to slice the data
- Make use of Hooks and only functional components
- Deploy it live
- Javascript
- React and Redux
- Express
- Webpack and babel
- JEST and React testing library for tests
- Cypress for e2e tests
- ESlint and Stylelint (Linters)
- GitHub Actions (CI Tool)
- Netlify (Server and CD tool)
- Git, Github and VScode
- Realtime chart from state
- More filters
- Loading animation while fetching
Now you need a copy of this application, if you are using Git:
git clone git@github.com:SevlaMare/Catalogue.git
Otherwise just hit (Download Zip) on the green button (Code) at top of this page.
Open your terminal inside the game folder, and paste the following commands:
npm install
npm run build
npm run go
Unit and integration tests
npm run test
E2E, first, need the app running:
npm run build
npm run go
and so run tests
npm run e2e
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
You can do it on issues page.
A special thanks to the code reviewers.
👤 Thiago Miranda
- Github: @SevlaMare
- Twitter: #SevlaMare
- Linkedin: SevlaMare
Design idea based on Catalogue of Dog Clothes by Denys Chagaida on Behance