Guided by Lord Krishna's debugging prowess, coding is my divine passion!
- 🌍 Based in India.
- 🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on Data Science projects.
- ⚡ Fun fact: My objective is to learn something new every week.
Create and classify the doodle images into correct category.
Jupyter Notebook 1
Identification of road surfaces and 12 different classes like speed bumps, paved, unpaved, markings, water puddles, potholes, etc.
Jupyter Notebook 9
Given the data of the user activity of a month, can predict user activity for the upcoming month.
Jupyter Notebook 1
Are brands gendered?: Leveraging Gender bias for Appeal and Engagement
Jupyter Notebook
Enhancing the performance of high dimensional automatic data clustering using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm employing Autoencoder in Stock Market data.
Python 3
Optimal Placement of VNFs using Genetic & Tabu Search Algorithms and Service Function Chaining using Q-Learning & SARSA Algorithms in an Multi-Access Edge Computing Environment
Jupyter Notebook