42 2019 - Algorithmic project
Fillit is the second project of the algorithmic branch at 42.
The project is an algorithmic challenge, where given a map and pieces, you have to fill the map as good s you can to block your opponent and have the maximum space taken for you.
My project mark is : Not marked yet
If you want to test the project, you just have to
We have an error management, so if the map is not well formatted or incorrect, you will see it instantly. Run with the vm given in filler_check you can swap players and map.
./filler_vm -f maps/map00 -p1 ../juspende.filler -p2 [OPPONENT]
Jules Spender
- Jules Spender - Initial work - https://github.com/SpenderJ
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Memory management.
- Speed.
- Error Handling.