📆 Added Builder. 🎉
- Stanley
- Bytixo
- Autist69420
- HideakiAtsuyo
The new modern discord token grabber & token stealer, with discord password & token even when it changes
- Educational purpose only
- Reselling is forbidden
- You can use the source code if you keep credits (in embed + in markdown), it has to be open-source
- We are NOT responsible of anything you do with our software (if its illegal)
- QRCode logger
- Discord Login Stealer
- Username
- ID
- Token
- Password (even when it changes)
- Badges
- Nitro
- Credit Card number
- Expiration
- Billing
- IP
- Computer Hostname
- Instantly logout
- Disable QR
- Custom embed
- Cool code structure
- Cookies (💎)
- Password (💎)
- Cookie Automatic Logger (💎)
- Metamask stealer (💎)
- Exodus stealer (💎)
- Anti-Delete & Anti-Spam (💎)
- 0/64 Detections (💎)