Beta 2 Final Changes
Merging the final post-Beta 2 changes back into master.
I tried to make sure every commit this time around was as granular as possible. This has exploded the volume of commits but should make the history much more readable than in the past.
note compatible only with Beta 2 v1.2.3 content release, may throw errors when using other release versions.
Itemized Changes
Large Fixes
- correct render lifecycle for CSQC-side sub-entities.
- CSQC entity refactor created a knock-on effect of player target data.
- discovered possible fail-silent compile issues with my csprogs.defs,
.float() t_remove
and.vector v_angle
were in the wrong spot. - figured out that
.float entnum
needs to be set IF you implementCSQC_Ent_Spawn
, to give the local ent the correctentnum
. - found that
flag for misc_buildings not only didnt work...but used a 'do not use' flag value, whoops! - Repair Bays fully fixed.
- ui_menu_controller.qc for new scoreboard code.
- Shield hit bubble for player in FPS view is more transparent.
- added static mech models as decorations for mappers.
can now have variable speed via .speed value on thetarget
of a train.- reduced Monitor bbox size a little to make fitting into repair bay easier.
- removed some dead code - ai_node_recall isn't used anymore.
- AI mechs that die standing still, will leave a smoking wreck.
- animatic file spec and flags .
fix: Server Browser menu's Server List code.
fix: fully removed Compass and Graphics from CSQC UI - obsolete.
fix: background image for Radar box in HUD.
fix: proper fix for server ENDTIME check.
fix: Scoreboard for all network games.
fix: coop scoreboad and coop game mode hosting.
fix: player aim when CHASE_ACTIVE was not adjusting to crosshairs.
fix: AI death packet info send order.
fix: proper cleanup of UI Mech data ents.
fix: active radar missile cluster-ents on client-side.
fix: weapon loadout call-order for turret_light units.
fix: correct hardpoint count of turret_light units.
fix: moved default: case in weapon data ini selector to bottom.
fixes: cleaned up turret network code.
fix: further refinining aim-fix for 3PS camera.
fix: CSQC_Ent_Spawn fix also fixed piping correct entId
over the network
fix: shieldHit effects were bugged somehow, now fixed again.
fix: client damage totals now tracking for network games.
fix: implemented EndFrame()
, confirmed in engine source that it is a thing, just not a default spec.
fix: show zero-clock when a network game is ending.
fix: corrected dynamic light calls on repair bay and guard tower.
fix: Weapons offline notification works again and burn effects on the player.
fix: color of friendly target names corrected.
fix: only objects marked with canTarget
show up on radar.
fix: ATC tracer particles only kick on at ranges > 100gu for presentation purposes.
fix: 'target killed' notification works again.
fix: ram charge up time reduced for all mechs.
fix: realized the alarm function call stack might end up with collisions or near-endless looping/overriding the original alarm ent.
fix: hud lock on graphic - mostly disabled for now.
fix: removed free ent bug,
fix: whitespace fix in change_faction
map trigger.
fix: even better frame scaling algorithm for animatics to have correct aspect ratios.
fix: moved version draw to developer mode.
fix: fixed label issue in graphics menu.
fix: correct hitbox sizes in map editor for misc. buildings.
fix: added server spawnflag rules for misc. buildings. apparently thet weren't working before.