This firmware is intended for the high performance JTAG/SWD debugger DAP405v2, which features a STM32F446 microcontroller at its heart.
DAP405 is a CMSIS-DAP compatible JTAG and SWD debugger for ARM Cortex-M based microcontrollers. It is one of the few debuggers that features USB 2.0 Hi-Speed connection to a host PC, allowing fast access to the target processor.
The name is held over from a previous project with a similar design goal, which did use STM32F405 as the main processor. This revision upgraded the processor to STM32F446 to allow the use of a more advanced ULPI transceiver, eliminating one of the two clock crystals, and features a slightly faster CPU.
This repository is formed as an Eclipse workspace. You need the latest Eclipse CDT, as well as GNU MCU Eclipse and its dependencies to build this project.
The code is written without the ue of an RTOS, STM32CubeMX or libopencm3. The only dependencies are STM32 CMSIS device headers and libusb_stm32. All of the dependencies, at their correct revisions, are referenced in this repositories as git submodules.
This project is open source software under 3-clause BSD license.