A powerful, extensible Java library for creating and backtesting stock market trading algorithms. Supports advanced trading strategies including options, short selling, and automated position management.
- Getting started
- Basic Usage
- Advanced Features
- Building Trading Algorithms
- Alpha Vantage Fetcher
- License
This library is designed for standalone usage in any Java application.
Add the dependency to your project from Maven Central:
dependencies {
implementation 'net.swofty:stockmarkettester:{VERSION}' // Requires Maven Central
The library supports multiple market data providers:
Alpha Vantage (Recommended for getting started)
- Free API key available at Alpha Vantage
- 5 API calls per minute on free tier
- Includes real-time and historical data
- More extensive data but requires paid subscription
- Higher rate limits
- Better for production use
Free Data Provider
- Sample historical data for testing
- No API key required
- Limited to certain stocks and date ranges
You can also create your own market data provider by implementing the MarketDataProvider
interface and passing it to the HistoricalMarketService
Here's a complete example of setting up the market data system:
public class MarketExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 1. Set up cache directories
Path vantageCachePath = Path.of("cache/alphavantage/");
Path dataProviderCachePath = Path.of("cache/market-data/");
// 2. Initialize Alpha Vantage fetcher for additional market data
"YOUR-API-KEY", // Get your free key from: https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#api-key
// 3. Choose your market data provider
// Option A: Alpha Vantage Provider
MarketDataProvider provider = new AlphaVantageProvider("YOUR-API-KEY");
// Option B: Free Data Provider (for testing)
// MarketDataProvider provider = new FreeDataProvider(dataProviderCachePath);
// Option C: Polygon Provider (if you have a subscription)
// MarketDataProvider provider = new PolygonProvider("YOUR-POLYGON-KEY");
// 4. Create market service with caching
HistoricalMarketService marketService = new HistoricalMarketService(
3, // Number of retries for failed requests
dataProviderCachePath // Cache directory for market data
// 5. Define your trading universe
Set<String> tickers = Set.of("AAPL", "GOOGL", "MSFT");
// 6. Initialize the service with historical data
marketService.initialize(tickers, 30, MarketConfig.NYSE)
.thenRun(() -> {
// 7. Create and run your backtest
new BacktestBuilder()
.withStocks(tickers.toArray(new String[0]))
.withRunOnMarketClosed(false) // Skip non-market hours
new SimpleBuyAndHoldAlgorithm("my-algorithm", tickers),
1_000_000 // Initial capital
.thenAccept(results -> {
System.out.println("Backtest Results:");
// Access portfolio for specific algorithm
Portfolio portfolio = results.portfolios()
.exceptionally(error -> {
System.err.println("Backtest failed: " +
return null;
.exceptionally(error -> {
System.err.println("Market service initialization failed: " +
return null;
The library implements a multi-level caching system to minimize API calls and improve performance:
Alpha Vantage Cache
- Caches additional market data like earnings, sentiment, and financial metrics
- Default 24-hour cache duration
- Automatically manages API rate limits
Market Data Cache
- Caches historical price data for backtesting
- Persists between runs to avoid re-downloading data
- Automatically refreshed when data becomes stale
Cache directories are created automatically if they don't exist. Example directory structure:
Here's a complete example of creating and running a basic buy-and-hold algorithm:
public class TestAlgorithm {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Setup the Alpha Vantage API fetcher
AlphaVantageFetcher.setup("YOUR-API-KEY", Path.of("vantage-cache/"));
// Create market service
HistoricalMarketService marketService = new HistoricalMarketService(
new AlphaVantageProvider("YOUR-API-KEY"),
// Define tickers to trade
Set<String> tickers = Set.of("TSLA");
// Initialize and run backtest
marketService.initialize(tickers, 30, MarketConfig.NYSE)
.thenRun(() -> {
new BacktestBuilder()
.withStocks(tickers.toArray(new String[0]))
.withAlgorithm(new SimpleBuyAndHoldAlgorithm("simple-day-trader", tickers), 1_000_000)
.thenAccept(results -> {
System.out.println("Results: " + results);
Portfolio portfolio = results.portfolios().get("simple-day-trader");
Here's an example of a basic buy-and-hold algorithm:
public class SimpleBuyAndHoldAlgorithm implements Algorithm {
private final String algorithmId;
private final Set<String> tickers;
private final Map<String, Boolean> positionHeld;
public SimpleBuyAndHoldAlgorithm(String algorithmId, Set<String> tickers) {
this.algorithmId = algorithmId;
this.tickers = new HashSet<>(tickers);
this.positionHeld = new HashMap<>();
tickers.forEach(ticker -> positionHeld.put(ticker, false));
public void onMarketOpen(Map<String, MarketDataPoint> initialData) {
// Initialize daily strategy
public void onUpdate(Map<String, MarketDataPoint> currentData, LocalDateTime timestamp, Portfolio portfolio) {
for (String ticker : tickers) {
MarketDataPoint data = currentData.get(ticker);
if (data == null) continue;
// Buy if no position exists
if (!positionHeld.get(ticker)) {
portfolio.buyStock(ticker, calculatePositionSize(data.close()), data.close());
positionHeld.put(ticker, true);
public void onMarketClose(Map<String, MarketDataPoint> finalData) {
// Clean up end-of-day positions
private int calculatePositionSize(double price) {
return (int) (10_000 / price);
public String getAlgorithmId() {
return algorithmId;
public void onUpdate(Map<String, MarketDataPoint> currentData, LocalDateTime timestamp, Portfolio portfolio) {
MarketDataPoint data = currentData.get("AAPL");
// Check current position value and P&L
double positionValue = portfolio.getPositionValue("AAPL", data);
double unrealizedPnL = portfolio.getUnrealizedPnL("AAPL", data);
// Set stop loss if losing too much
if (unrealizedPnL < -1000) {
portfolio.setStopLoss("AAPL", data.close() * 0.95, 100);
// Open short position
portfolio.shortStock("AAPL", 100, currentPrice);
// Cover short position
portfolio.coverShort("AAPL", 100, currentPrice);
// Buy call option
// Buy put option
// Set stop loss
portfolio.setStopLoss("AAPL", stopPrice, quantity);
// Set take profit
portfolio.setTakeProfit("AAPL", targetPrice, quantity);
Create your own algorithm by implementing the Algorithm
public class CustomAlgorithm implements Algorithm {
public void onMarketOpen(Map<String, MarketDataPoint> initialData) {
// Called at market open with initial data
public void onUpdate(Map<String, MarketDataPoint> currentData, LocalDateTime timestamp, Portfolio portfolio) {
// Called on each price update
// Implement your trading logic here
public void onMarketClose(Map<String, MarketDataPoint> finalData) {
// Called at market close with final data
public String getAlgorithmId() {
return "custom-algorithm";
The BacktestBuilder
supports various configuration options:
new BacktestBuilder()
.withStocks(new String[]{"AAPL", "GOOGL"}) // Stocks to trade
.withPreviousDays(30) // Backtest period
.withLimitTimesToMarket(MarketConfig.NYSE) // Market hours
.withShouldPrint(true) // Print progress
.withInterval(Duration.ofMinutes(5)) // Trading interval
.withRunOnMarketClosed(false) // Skip closed hours
.withProvider(marketService) // Data provider
.withAlgorithm(algorithm, 100_000) // Algorithm and capital
The AlphaVantageFetcher
provides access to rich market data beyond just prices. This includes earnings events, financial metrics, income statements, and news sentiment analysis. All data is automatically cached to respect API limits and improve performance.
First, initialize the fetcher:
// Get your free API key from: https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#api-key
Path cachePath = Path.of("cache/alphavantage/");
AlphaVantageFetcher.setup("YOUR-API-KEY", cachePath);
// Create a fetcher instance with a specific point in time
// This is useful for backtesting to prevent future data leakage
AlphaVantageFetcher fetcher = new AlphaVantageFetcher(LocalDateTime.now());
Get upcoming and historical earnings calls:
.thenAccept(earnings -> {
for (EarningsEvent event : earnings) {
System.out.printf("Company: %s%n", event.companyName());
System.out.printf("Report Date: %s%n", event.reportDate());
System.out.printf("Fiscal Period End: %s%n", event.fiscalDateEnding());
Get key financial ratios and metrics:
.thenAccept(metrics -> {
System.out.printf("PE Ratio: %.2f%n", metrics.peRatio());
System.out.printf("Profit Margin: %.2f%%%n", metrics.profitMargin() * 100);
System.out.printf("Operating Margin: %.2f%%%n", metrics.operatingMargin() * 100);
System.out.printf("Return on Equity: %.2f%%%n", metrics.returnOnEquity() * 100);
Access quarterly income statement data:
.thenAccept(income -> {
for (Map<String, Double> quarter : income.quarterlyMetrics()) {
LocalDateTime reportDate = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(
quarter.get("reportDate").longValue(), 0, ZoneOffset.UTC);
System.out.printf("Quarter ending: %s%n", reportDate);
System.out.printf("Revenue: $%.2fM%n", quarter.get("totalRevenue") / 1_000_000);
System.out.printf("Gross Profit: $%.2fM%n", quarter.get("grossProfit") / 1_000_000);
System.out.printf("Operating Income: $%.2fM%n", quarter.get("operatingIncome") / 1_000_000);
System.out.printf("Net Income: $%.2fM%n", quarter.get("netIncome") / 1_000_000);
Get news articles with sentiment scores:
.thenAccept(articles -> {
for (NewsSentiment article : articles) {
System.out.printf("Title: %s%n", article.title());
System.out.printf("Published: %s%n", article.publishedTime());
System.out.printf("Source: %s%n", article.source());
System.out.printf("Overall Sentiment: %s (%.2f)%n",
// Per-ticker sentiment scores
for (TickerSentiment sentiment : article.tickerSentiments()) {
System.out.printf("Ticker: %s, Relevance: %.2f, Sentiment: %s (%.2f)%n",
Cache files are stored in the specified directory:
earnings_cache.json // Earnings call data
metrics_cache.json // Financial metrics
income_cache.json // Income statements
The free Alpha Vantage API has the following limits:
- 5 API calls per minute
- 500 calls per day
- The fetcher automatically manages these limits via its caching system
For higher limits, consider upgrading to a paid API key at Alpha Vantage Premium.
StockMarketAlgorithm is licensed under the permissive MIT license. Please see LICENSE.txt
for more information.