GPS-based toll calculation is a system that uses Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to track a vehicle's location and calculate tolls in real-time. This project presents the development of a GPS-based toll collection system simulation using Python aimed at modernizing and streamlining toll fee processes. The proposed system leverages GPS technology to automatically detect vehicle movements through virtual toll zones, calculating toll fees based on the distance traveled or specific routes taken. The simulation encompasses key components such as GPS-enabled vehicles, dynamic toll calculation algorithms, and efficient data management. Python's extensive libraries are utilized to handle various aspects of the simulation: geopy and shapely for geospatial analysis, pandas for data manipulation, and folium for interactive map visualization. Additionally, visualization tools such as matplotlib and plotly are employed to present real-time data and system performance metrics.
The project aims to demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of a GPS-based toll collection system, highlighting its potential to enhance operational efficiency. The simulation serves as a proof of concept, showcasing the integration of GPS technology into intelligent transportation systems and providing a foundation for further research and development in this field.
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This project was done by Muhammed Anees, Mathews Reji, Navya Prasad, Neeraja S and Shalin Ann Thomas