#AngularJS Module for ESRI Arcgis Maps
This module wraps Arcgis Javascript api into easy to use directives for AngularJS 1.x
bower install teamdev-esri-angularjs
Include Teamdev module
angular.module('starter', ['teamdev.esri' ...
Create your first map in HTML using directives.
<esri-map base-map="topo" map-id="map" zoom="9"></esri-map>
Locate the file html.xsd under Microsfot Visual Studio installation folder. es: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\Web\Schemas\1033\HTML
copy the file teamdev_esri.xsd under that folder replace html.xsd file with html.xsd file provided
Locate the file html.xsd under Microsfot Visual Studio installation folder. es: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\Web\Schemas\1033\HTML
copy the file teamdev_esri.xsd under that folder open the file html.xsd locate <xsd:include schemaLocation="CommonHTMLTypes.xsd" /> and add <xsd:include schemaLocation="teamdev_esri.xsd" /> as follow: <xsd:include schemaLocation="CommonHTMLTypes.xsd" /> <xsd:include schemaLocation="teamdev_esri.xsd" />
locate <xsd:group name="flowContent"> and add <xsd:element ref="esri-map" /> as follow <xsd:group name="flowContent"> xsd:choice ... <xsd:element ref="esri-map" />
locate <xsd:group name="phrasingContent"> and add <xsd:element ref="esri-map" /> as follow <xsd:group name="phrasingContent"> xsd:choice ... <xsd:element ref="esri-map" />
The module.list file contains a list of modules that teamdev.esri uses. You can use module.list to create a custom build of esri javascript api using http://jso.arcgis.com/ service