"Cactus Jak's Restaurant" is a single page application written on MERN stack for SoftUni JS Web Course.
- Anonymous users and registered users have access to the menu page and details page of the current plate. The client can search through the items in the menu.
-This application is using google maps for the exact location of the restaurant, also is added QR Code with the page on https://www.tripadvisor.com/ There are links to the official page in Facebook.
- Registered users are able to access their own cart and make orders. -Registered users are able to access their own profile and delete it.
- npm
- node
- mongoDB
git clone https://github.com/Teodora321/Cactus-Restaurant-.git
cd cactus-frontend
npm install
cd back-end
npm install
Install dependencies in both frontend and backend folders
cd back-end
node index.js
Start frontend server and backend server
cd cactus-frontend
yarn start or npm start