Designed to address a problem I had with remembering class schedules and deadlines.
Written in Python with a Chat Client front-end and MySQL back-end, NOVA was initially written in the span of a few weeks. The idea would be at the beginning of a semester when you get your class syllabuses that you'd take some time and enter all that information into NOVA, which would then store it into the MySQL DB. Then, every morning it'd send an e-mail containing things due that day, the next day, and things that you might've missed the previous day. Every Sunday it sends a weekly digest instead of the normal daily report to give you an idea of what you can expect for the week.
Written with a School Focus. DB designed with a class structure in mind.
Python 3.5.2
pip install
pip install mysql-connector
MySQL 5.7 Server
I'll be revisiting this very soon with the intent on moving it over to a Flask Web application. It'll have all the old functionality but it'll have less of a school structured focus. My focus is to first see Admiral to my initial vision.