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Spellchecking and profanity filtering library

Getting started

Simply clone the project and build the jar with maven. Then you can use it in your project as a external library or run it by executing command java -jar checkmate-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar.


  • The performance of a spelling check doesn't strongly depend on dictionary size, it just changes on 2-5 ms, but is sensitive to the length of a given word. Also, the number of words that is close by match percentage.
Dictionary size Operation Match percentage Time (milliseconds) Results
80k+ Checking word 'catn' 70% 25.76 ms [cant, can, cats]
80k+ Checking word 'catn' 60% 123.47 ms [cant, can, cats]
80k+ Checking word 'belive' 70% 18.29 ms [believe, belize, belie]
80k+ Checking word 'belive' 60% 23.24 ms [believe, belize, belie]
10k+ Checking word 'catn' 70% 21.16 ms [can, cats, cat]
10k+ Checking word 'catn' 60% 23.16 ms [can, cats, cat]
10k+ Checking word 'belive' 70% 22.19 ms [believe, belize, believes]
10k+ Checking word 'belive' 60% 60.42 ms [believe, belize, believes]
  • Profanity filter is much faster, but it also depends on the length of a given string.
Operation Time (milliseconds) Results
Check 'little piece of shit' 15.89 ms little [profanity]
Check 'hello, cunt' 1.08 ms hello, [profanity]
Check 'scum' 0.09 ms [profanity]
  • And lastly, text preproccessor. You have to take into account repeated letter removal and number of words to check.
Operation Time (milliseconds) Repeated letters Results
Preproccess 'little pi3ce @nd sh1t' 6.80ms false little piece and shit
Preproccess 'little pi3ceeee @nd sh1t' 10.80ms true litle piece and shit
Preproccess 'shi+' 5.74ms true shit


You should use TextFilter class for all text manipulations. it can do next operations:

  • List checkWord(String word)
  • List checkCompound(String compound)
  • String checkText(String text)
  • String censor(String text)
  • Censored searchForProfanity(String text)
  • String preproccess(String text, boolean removeRepeatedLetters)
  • boolean isValid(String word)
  • boolean isProfane(String word)

Sample usage:

public class Demo {
	public static void main(String[] args) {

  TextFilter textFilter = new TextFilter(Language.ENGLISH);

        String word = textFilter.checkWord("cutn").get(0);

        String text = textFilter.preproccess("p13ce of sh1t", false);

        String compound = textFilter.checkCompound("holyshit").get(0);

And you can tune its work by changing these parameters:

  • MaxMatchPercentage - percent of the length of the given word to match suggestions (default = 70%).
  • Remove repeated letters - reomve repeated letters in preproccessing (default = false).
  • suggestionLimit - maximum number of suggestions for given word (default = 5).
  • doPreproccesing - do preproccessing before spellchecking (default = true).
  • doCheckCompounds - check for missplelled compounds (default = false).
  • profanityReplacement - what would be added instead of bad word (default = [censored]).
  • removeProfaneWord - rmeove or leave a profane word (default = false).


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL-3.0 License - see the file for details


  • Lots of thanks to anyone who's code was used