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U°OS Application Transactions

Warning: this library has been deprecated

Please see this library: ucom.libs.wallet


This package is used to generate signed transactions related to different users actions.

Content type dictionary

number description
1 Media post
2 Post-offer
10 Direct post (like a comment directly on user or on org)
11 Repost of other post
3 Comment
4 Organization (Community)

Interaction type dictionary

number description
1 Follow
5 Unfollow
2 Upvote (like)
4 Downvote (dislike)
3 Join (to the post-offer)
20 Organization team invitation. Not implemented yet

Action name dictionary

name description
usertouser User to user interaction, for ex. follow
makecontent User makes content by himself (not by organization)
makecontorg Organization (organization member) makes content
usertocont User to content interaction, for ex. upvote
dirpost User creates direct post on other user
dirpostorg User creates direct post on organization


  1. Call one of the methods and receive signed transaction.
  2. Send this transaction as is to backend server. Backend server will push this transaction to blockchain. Example:
body = {
// other request params
'signed_transaction': signed_transaction_string,
// other request params

How to install:

npm i git+ssh://

User to user transactions

User follows other user

const { TransactionFactory } = require('uos-app-transaction');

// Init for test env before doing any calls
// In production call this method instead: TransactionFactory.initForProductionEnv(); 

(async () => {

  const senderAccountName = 'vlad';
  const senderActivePrivateKey = accountsData.vlad.activePk;
  const recipientAccountName = 'jane';

  const signed = await TransactionFactory.getSignedUserFollowsUser(
  const signed_transaction_string = JSON.stringify(signed);
  // Then send this value in request body

See also CONTRIBUTING for detailed project information.


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