A quadcopter built from scratch.
Currently there is a working PCB for the flight controller + basic firmware.
- Simple PID flight stabilization
- Radio communication via external radio module (both controlling the copter and sending telemtry data to the controller
- Simple remote controller made out of an old RC toy radio + arduino pro mini + nRF24
- Designing custom frame and 3D print it
- Using an embedded radio solution (probably nRF24 based)
- Using 9-axis fusion instead of 6-axis to avoid yaw drift.
This is version 2.0 of the flight controller PCB. The PCB is design with 2 layers to keep down the cost, in the future I might redesign it with 4 layers to make it smaller. I'm also using 0805 to allow for easy hand-soldering.
The microcontroller is STM32F410RBT, a powerful 32-bit ARM Cortex M4 with hardware floating point unit and a lot of useful peripherals.
Other major components (sensors):
- ICM-20689; MEMES gyroscope + accelerometer. This is the newer generation of the popular MPU-6050 used in a lot of commercial flight controllers.
- MAG3110; A magnetometer.
- MS5637; A Barometer
The ICM-20689 togheter with the MAG3110 can be used for 9-axis fusion to provide better heading, avoid yaw drifting and togheter with the barometer also have an height based control instead of throttle based one.
- TODO take a better picture...