This Car Rental System is a Java-based application that allows customers to search for available cars, make reservations, modify and cancel existing reservations, and view their reservation history. Additionally, it provides admin functionalities such as managing cars, customers, and generating reports on car usage and revenue.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher.
- Java IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc.).
- MySQL database server.
- Set up your MySQL database server.
- Create a new database named cars using the following SQL command:
- Ensure that the database server is running.
The project consists of the following packages:
Contains theMain
class with the main method to run the
Contains entity classes representing the core data models of the system, such as Car, Customer, Reservation, and
Contains Data Access Object (DAO) classes responsible for interacting with the database and executing
Contains service classes that provide the main functionalities for customers and
Contains custom exception classes used to handle specific scenarios in the
Contains utility classes, such as DbUtils, for database connection and entity management.
- Clone the project repository to your local machine.
- Open the project in your Java IDE.
- Configure the database connection properties in the persistence.xml file inside the META-INF folder to match your MySQL database setup.
Run the
class to start the application.
- Customer Registration: Customers can create new accounts with unique usernames.
- Customer Login: Existing customers can log in to their accounts using their username and password.
- Search Cars: Customers can search for available cars based on rental and mileage ranges.
- Make Reservation: Customers can reserve a car for a specific rental period.
- View Reservations: Customers can view their existing reservations.
- Modify Reservation: Customers can modify their reservations, such as changing rental dates or rental hours.
- Cancel Reservation: Customers can cancel their reservations.
- View Customers: Administrators can view the list of all customers registered in the system.
- View Cars: Administrators can view the list of all cars in the system. Add Car: Administrators can add new cars to the system.
- Update Car: Administrators can update car details.
- Delete Car: Administrators can soft delete car details (marked as deleted in the database).
- Generate Car Report: Administrators can generate reports on car usage and revenue.
- Add Back Car: Administrators can restore cars that were marked as deleted.
- Delete Customer: Administrators can soft delete customer details (marked as deleted in the database).
You can find the Entity Relationship (ER) diagram for the Car Rental System below:
The diagram represents the relationships and structure of the database entities used in the Car Rental System application.