Here are the wireframes of the game.
- As a player, I want to have an animated rope so that it shows up and down frame to make the motion more engaging.
- As a player, I want the game to recognize if I step on the rope so its more challenging.
- As a player, i want the rope to move faster periodically then slow down to make it more challenging.
- As a player, I want to be able to jump on a button click.
- As a player, I want to be able to see my score to know my progress.
- As a player, i want to identify who is player 1 and who is player 2.
- As a player, I want to minus the score based on bad jumps to make it more challenging.
- As a player, I want the end screen to identify the winner or show that we had a tie based on our score.
- As a player, I want to be able to restart the game at any time just in case I make a mistake.
- As a player, I would like to see random scenery to keep the game fresh.(i.e jumping on the moon, or in the jungle)
- As a player, i would like to add a male character to have more representation.
- As a player, i would like to have music and sound effects to make it more immersive.
- As a player, i would like to be able to use the space bar to make the usability more accessible and seamless.
I used HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
I used images from freepik. Here is the attribution information for the girl: Girl set vector created by pikisuperstar - Here is the image for the park: City park vector created by upklyak -
Music from Music by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay
I created the rope in Photoshop following the same themes as the other images