This code is a simple JavaScript code that collects various information about a user's device, browser, and location.
The following data is collected:
- Geolocation (latitude and longitude)
- Microphone and camera access
- IP address information
- Main language
- List of preferred languages
- Operating system
- Referrer website
- Time of visit
- Screen resolution
- Cookies status
- Cookies
- Request method
- Request path
- Request parameters
- User agent string
- Device type (mobile or desktop)
- Battery level
- Usage
To use this code, simply include it in your HTML file and run it in a browser. The data collected will be stored in the DataOnUser array.
Geolocation, microphone and camera access require user permission. Battery level is not supported in all browsers. This code is for educational purposes only. It is important to obtain user consent and disclose the data collected before using it in any project.