Sachin Tendulkar was awarded on-rupee by their coach for one century. Do you want a money reward system to motivate you for it?
Welcome to Goal-Achiever. This is a small part of my portfolio website. It helps in Setting goals through Smart Contracts in Ethereum. And You can deposit money when you complete a goal. This way you can record how many goals you achieved and will boost your self-confidence when seeing your progress. At the same time, it will help you save money when depositing a certain amount when you achieve a goal.
By implementing blockchain in a to-do list, we're showcasing an emphasis on data security, transparency, and immutability. The use case can be ensuring that task records cannot be tampered with, providing a secure and verifiable audit trail of completed tasks or progress over time. This could be useful in collaborative environments where trust in the accuracy and integrity of task management is critical, especially in teams or decentralized projects.
Personal Info: Personal Links Embedded [LinkedIn] [Github].
Contact Form Integrated with SMTP for mail message: Can contact and provide suggestions to the contact form. Will show message in my Email.
Different Interface for Mobile: Different Interface for Mobile.
Smart Contracts: Embedded so that you can keep a record of your Goals Achieved through Life.
Metamask Integration: Integrated Metamask to use the deposit money through cryptocurrency in your Savings Bank Account.
- Install the required dependencies using
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Run the script using
npm run dev
- truffle version 0.5.2
- web3 version above 3.0
- Internet Connection
--FireBase Integration
Features to be added:- Google Auth Better Interface.