Avoid try/catch
or .catch(error => ...)
and globally handle successful and
failed actions.
Install using
.npm i vuex-handler # or using yarn yarn add vuex-handler
Add to Vuex plugins.
import Vuex from 'vuex' import handler from 'vuex-handler' const store = new Vuex.Store({ plugins: [ handler ] })
const store = new Vuex.Store({
plugins: [ handler ],
actions: {
authenticate: async ({ commit }, payload) => {
const { email, password } = payload || {}
const { data: token } = await axios.get('/auth', { email, password })
return token
// This logs all sucessed actions.
store.handler.onSuccess = (result, type, params) => {
console.log(result) // 'eyJhb...' 'authenticate' { email: '...', password: '...' }
return result
// This logs all failed actions.
store.handler.onFailure = (error, type, params) => {
console.log(error) // Error 'authenticate' { email: '...', password: '...' }
throw error
// Alerts authenticate errors
// Don't use alerts, please.
store.handler.authenticate.onFailure = (error) => {
alert('Error on authenticate: ' + error.message)
return false
// Those handlers are dispatch interceptors that run when it finishes or fail
store.handler = {
onSuccess (result, type, params, options) {
// I could use this to show some feedback message based on action type like:
const messages = {
[types.USER_SIGNON]: 'Now U\'re an user!',
[types.USER_SIGNOFF]: 'Sorry :('
if (messages[type]) {
store.dispatch(types.NOTIFICATION, messages[type])
// If your action return some result, you should return it too!
return result
onFailure (error, type, params, options) {
// I can send my errors to a logger like Rollbar
Rollbar.error(`Action ${type}`, error)
// Specific handlers overrides global handlers and work exactly like them
[types.USER_SIGNIN]: {
onSuccess (result, type, params, options) {
onFailure (error, type, params, options) {
export default store