Currently working as an IoT Software Engineer. I also have a knack for learning and developing mobile applications. I love working with Android framework to develop impactful and innovative android applications for the users. I currently have 3 months of experience in developing and designing android apps.
🔭 I’m currently working on Reverb: A news application which enables user to access and read the trending news by category.
🌱 I’m currently learning REST APIs, Networking in Android, Loaders API, Fragments
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on A small-scale project focused on Android App Development. I wish to work with fellow developers to learn and make use of my skills in the projects.
🤝 I’m looking for help with Intents, Picasso, and Glide
💬 Ask me about Java, OOPs, Android framework
📫 How to reach me
⚡ Fun fact Joke but not a fact: Why do devs prefer dark mode? Because it doesn't attract bugs as the light mode does.