This tool will execute web requests to a defined REST api and takes care of the request for you.
RestApiCallResult result = await EndpointDefinitions.User.Update // definition of the call
.Post(updatedUserObject) // method of the call
.WithUriArgument("id", idToUpdate) // arguments in the uri
.ExecuteAsync(); // Execution of the call
Log.Info($"Call {result.Uri} took {result.Speed}");
if (result.IsSucceeded) // call was OK
return result.Parse<MyOwnObject[]>();
// call was not OK
// do error-handling....
You can install this package through NuGet:
Install-Package RestApiClientBuilder.Core Install-Package RestApiClientBuilder.OAuth2 for integrating OAuth2 (client credentials flow is supported)
public class EndpointDefinitions
[ThreadStatic] private static readonly Uri BaseAddressRestService;
static EndpointDefinitions()
// Fetch the configuration from the config file
BaseAddressRestService = new Uri(AppSettingsHelper.GetValue<string>("WebApiBaseAddress"));
public class Users
private static string ControllerName => "Users";
/// <summary>
/// Searches users
/// </summary>
public static EndpointDefinition Search = EndpointDefinition.Build(BaseAddressRestService, ControllerName, "Search");
/// <summary>
/// Gets the details for a user
/// </summary>
public static EndpointDefinition UnLoadingPoints = EndpointDefinition.Build(BaseAddressRestService, ControllerName, "Details");
/// <summary>
/// Update a user, given an id in the uri
/// </summary>
public static EndpointDefinition Update = EndpointDefinition.Build(BaseAddressRestService, ControllerName, "Update/{id}");
For example:
This example serialized an object to a GET parameter with the WithQueryArgument argument.
public class MyUserService : IMyUserService
public async Task<UserDto[]> SearchUserAsync(UserSearchCriteriaDto searchCriteria)
RestApiCallResult result = await EndpointDefinitions.Users.Search.Get()
.WithQueryArgument("model", searchCriteria)
Debug.Writeline($"Call {result.Uri} took {result.Speed}");
if (result.IsSucceeded)
return result.Parse<UserDto[]>();
/* Do error handling here */
return new UserDto[0];
You can execute a call in two ways.
- From the RestApiClientBuilder class = this notation has a few more options
- From the EndpointDefinition class = short hand notation
Create a Builder first with
Define optional behavior(s) Example for OAuth2 security:
The OAuth2 package Install-Package RestApiClientBuilder.OAuth2 does include behaviors that can handle OAuth2 calls on the client.
.Behavior( IRestBehavior )
Define the description of the call
Example for Auth0 provider:
.Behavior(Auth0ClientCredentialBehavior.Create(new ClientCredentialSettingsAuth0
ClientId = "myVerySpecialClientId",
ClientSecret = "myVerySpecialClientSecret",
TokenEndpointUri = new Uri(""),
Audience = "http://audiencehost:4545"
.From(EndpointDefinition.Build(new Uri("http://localhost:4545"), "Users"))
.OnSuccess(c => { /* success handler */ })
.OnError(c => { /* error handler */ })
.OnTimeout(() => { /* timeout handler */ })
Define the Method of the call
Define arguments of the call
.WithUriArgument( name_of_argument , value_of_argument )
.WithQueryArgument( [variableName], [object] )
Define optional error, timeout and success handling
.OnError(httpCode => { /* handle failed call */ })
.OnSuccess(httpCode => { /* handle success call */ })
.OnTimeout(() => { /* handle timeout */ })
Execute the call
.ExecuteAsync([timoutInMs]) // timeout default = 5000 ms
Returns an object of RestApiCallResult This object contains the Speed and status of the call
/// <summary>
/// List of optional errors when they occured.
/// </summary>
public List<string> Errors { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Indication that all went well
/// </summary>
public bool IsSucceeded { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Contains the JSON retrieved from the call
/// </summary>
public string Content { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The URI that is requested
/// </summary>
public Uri Uri { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the speed of the call
/// </summary>
public TimeSpan Speed { get; set; }