Welcome to EasyMart, A comprehensive eCommerce website built with Next.js, React, and TypeScript. EasyMart is user-friendly, compatible with all devices, and adaptable across different screen sizes.
Here are Technogies used for building this project.
Here is a working live demo: so head 👉 easymart
He is the figma design link so head 👉 figma design
We need to install or make sure that these tools are pre-installed on your machine:
Clone the project
Go to the project directory
cd easymart
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Yes, It is open source proejct, feel free to contribute, clone and even learn by your own self.
It is still in development, lacking a lot of features which will be soon in caming weeks and months.
No, you cannot use this project entirely for your own purposes. However, feel free to contribute, and if you use it, please provide proper credit and respect the copyright.
MIT -license