Created this on a Sunday, just for the lulz.
This script uses the API to lookup connections of SBB/CFF/FFS trains and stuff.
- curl
- jq
Maybe some other stuff to... I used the things available on my pc, so...
Just run this script like this
./ bern zürich
This should give you the next 4 connections from bern to zürich
Time and Date can be specified by -t
and -d
./ -d 14.10.2018 -t 10:15 bern zürich
Via is implemented by -v
./ -v lausanne brig bern
If date and/or time should be used to search for arrival time, use -a
./ -t 20:00 -a bern basel
Feel free to use this thing. Fork it, and make it your own^^
Thanks to @nohillside for adding support for macOS