An app to explore your data through charts based on Highcharts.js
The full documentation is at
Install django_charts:
pip install acdh-django-charts
Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS:
Add django_charts's URL patterns:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^charts/', include('charts.urls', namespace='charts')),
By default the app's templates extend a base template webpage/base.html. To ovveride this, just define a CHARTS_BASE_TEMPLATE variable on your project's like e.g:
To link to the application's 'chart-selector-view' you can add something like the snippet below to your e.g. base-template:
<a href="{% url 'charts:chart_selector' %}">Charts</a>
To visualize any property of your model you have to pass in the models name (lowercase), the field-path (using django's lookup syntax __ to follow foreign key and many2many relations) and the chart type (bar|line|pie) via keyword arguments to the charts.views.DynChartView(). In case those params are valid (i.d. the model and the lookup path acutally exist) the according chart should be drawn. But be aware that this only works if your project's DEBUG settings are set to True. As recomended alternative you should create ChartConfig objects for each property/model you'd like to explore via django admin-backend.
The package ships with a management command to
- create/delete chartconfig objects (Bar, Pie, Linecharts)
python create_charttypes
python delete_charttypes
- create/delete ChartConfig objects per application
python create_charts <app_name>
python delete_charts <app_name>
python sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
- Visualizes aggregated values of your models as charts (pie/bar/line) using
- Charts can be configured via admin backend (see Configuration Section)
Does the code actually work?
source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate (myenv) $ pip install tox (myenv) $ tox
Tools used in rendering this package: