Have you ever wanted to go on a trip to a park but weren't sure what to do or where to go? I often find myself struggling to find exciting activities to do on weekends with my friends and family. The Park Adventures web app makes it easy to look up any park with any activity you want. With a friendly and intuitive User interface, anyone can navigate through it and have the park's description, and Information displayed quickly with no hassles.
This demo web app was made to complete Capital One's software engineering Summit Code Challenge and more will be added later
check it the working demo right here: https://ace7806.github.io/ParkAdventures/
Clone the project on your prefferred directory
After you Cloned the repository
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Run the project
npm start
- Add State filter on activity search
- Add activities in the Park info page
- Optimize web app for mobile
- Make image section prettier and add lazy loading
Sebastian Rodriguez Irizarry - personal email: red7806@gmail.com - student email sebastian.rodriguez29@upr.edu
check out my LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastian-rodriguez-3a20a11b2/