Every day teachers attempt to personalize learning for students in a co-constructive way while navigating state-mandated standards within the constraints of an academic year. Teachers and students need a kind of learning management system where learning is not final when the assignment is submitted, but instead where assignment submission is the starting point for an iterative can collaborative process beginning with a teacher and peer feedback. This application is a place where students and teachers co-create learning goals and collect evidence of the student learning in a portfolio. As education begins to move away from traditional A, B, C, D and F systems of assessment teachers need an easy way to provide clear expectations of the student learning targets. Students need a clear way to understand what the next steps in their learning are.
This portfolio will do just that. The portfolio will follow the student from teacher to teacher. Teachers tag assignments with standards and assess the student's learning and help students pick their next learning targets along the continuum. That continuum for assessment is a proficiency scale. An administrator creates the proficiency scales. When students finalize their formal education, the current market is ready and eager to provide opportunities to the students who can demonstrate their achievements as well as their process. A student's portfolio can be shared with parents, college admissions or prospective employers. Thus giving them the best chance at their future aspirations.
- User Login:
Users will be able to create accounts and log in to the application. Each user will have a personalized dashboard.
- Upload Multiple File Types:
Students can add a variety of media to their portfolio.
- Create New Assignments:
Teachers will be able to create new assignments and tag them with their aligned state standard.
- Customizable proficiency scales:
Customizable proficiency scales will help faculty and students with clear guidelines for equitable progress monitoring.
- Sharing:
Users will be able to share portfolio progress with guardians.
- Aligns to State Standards: Teachers will be able to tag assignments state standards.
- Java
- SpringBoot
- Gradle
- Thymeleaf
- How a user can upload a variety of media. i.e. pdf, photos, videos, and hyperlinks.
- How to configure sharing features.
- How to import state standards, i.e. likely will need to use data from a public API
- How to implement user authentication and user role authorization.
Link to my Trello board here