Overtonic is a project that aims to use Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) to determine the source of a sound based on its overtones. (Science Fair 2018) 🎵
computer:overtonic user$ python3 overtonic.py
Reading from sound/sine-a4.wav
FRATE Variable: 11025
DATA Variable: [ 0 7940 15384 ... 31997 30888 27848]
Indexes [1596]
FreqArray of Indexes [439.8975]
It looks like the sound you gave me is a SINE WAVE
- NumPy
- SciPy
- scipy.fftpack
- scipy.io
- PyLab
- MatPlotLib
- matplotlib.pyplot
- PeakUtils
- FFT Identification code: Basic Sound Processing with Python (Sam Carcagno, 2013) Modified to acommodate frequency and amplitude
- PeakUtils: PeakUtils tutorial (docs)
- With help from thatoddmailbox