This is a To-Do List Web App created using React and Firestore for cloud storage.
See the working web app here.
Our To-Do list has the following features:
- Add and delete items
- Mark items as completed or not completed
- Assign a priority to items and sort by priority
- Edit an item's name or priority
- Hide or show all completed items
- Delete all completed items
- Configure the priority icon emojis
- Make multiple different lists
- View on desktop or mobile
- Persistant storage
- Resize text up to 200% (inclusive)
- Screen reader
- Fully operable using just the keyboard
- Ability to login via Google and email
- Ability to share lists with other users
See our design doc to read about our design decisions, user testing, and other notes about the development process.
Thanks to Prof. Rhodes of Harvey Mudd College for advice and guidance throughout the process of creating this app.