Joplin notify auto updater written in golang
Supported protocols: S3, web clipper API
- automatically aggregate notes with markdown todo lists
- prioritize tasks
If you're looking for joplin S3 sync or web clipper api integration, see joplin_provider package
- [x] format like this. This note not auto listed
- [ ] joplin creates it with default editor. This note still not listed
- [ ] !this note will be listed because ! mark
- [ ] !!this note will be higher
- [ ] !!!this note will be on top
- joplin sync with S3
- or web clipper API
- create joplin notebooks, add some notes in markdown todo format
- create joplin note for auto update
- pick notebook ID, note for auto update ID (from S3, API or backups)
cp internal/configs/config.template.yaml config.yaml
go run .
go run . --provider=web_clipper
see docker
run local env
make up
stop local env
make down