This FreePBX module allows to originate calls from FreePBX using Rest API.
Install googletts and apicall modules on FreePBX >= 14. Google tts require a valid google API key. Used only if message parameter is setted
- googletts is already insalled
- to install apicall, just download release .tar.gz file in /usr/src/nethvoice/modules/apicall.tar.gz and launch nethserver-nethvoice14-update event:
wget -O /usr/src/nethvoice/modules/apicall.tar.gz
signal-event nethserver-nethvoice-14-update
Use module admin interface to install GoogleTTS module And this one. At the moment, those modules will give the missing signature error on FreePBX interface. I'm not going to fix this in a near future because I find it boring and useless since you can check code by yourself.
call api curl 'https://HOST/FREEPBX_WEB_ROOT/apicall/index.php' -H 'token: TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' --data '{"tocall": "200"}'
TOKEN is generated at module installation and you can find it in FreePBX Api Call module page
POST data are passed in JSON format
tocall: extension or external number to call (mandatory)
message: text to play with Google TTS. It requires GoogleTTS FreePBX module installed
destination: FreePBX destination for the call. Default is app-blackhole,hangup,1
language: default it
voice: google tts voice to use
maxretires: number of time to retry if exension isn't available. Default 0
retrytime: default 60
waittime: default 30
callerid: caller id of the originated call. Defaul 999