Simple chess engine written in Java. (Work in progress)
- Alpha-Beta pruning optimization
- Transposition table position saving
- Move ordering optimizations
- Iterative deepening
- Quiescence search
Requires an installation of JDK-21.
By default, engine thinks for 1 second before attempting to make a move.
This project is a work-in-progress so these bugs may or may not be fixed.
- Transposition table size is uncapped
- Engine can sometimes move the player's pieces
- Player's king can sometimes be moved into illegal squares
- Implement checkmates, draws
- Display player's moves immediately in GUI
- Fix windows DPI scaling problems with sprites
- Improve engine's endgame performance
- Optimize: history heuristic, killer moves, pawn position evaluation, futility pruning
- Implement multithreaded move search
- Ensure that search is stopped after time limit is reached