Portfolio website is a small fully responsive frontend project. It serves a purpose of an online CV showcasing works of an individual to its potential audience.
Its a work in progress!
Apple iPad version and Nexus 5 mobile version
Perform following steps to start:
git clone https://github.com/ankur-dauneria/ankur-dauneria.github.io.git
cd ankur-dauneria.github.io
Click on index.html
available in the root directory to open the portfolio website in a broswer of your choice (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer)
folder contains all the CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) files. -
folder contains all the javascript files. -
folder contains fonts related files. -
folder contains all the images. -
folder contains all the downloadbable files -
files are related to font-awesome
- CSS3
- Javascript
- Web framework: Bootstrap 3
- Icons: Font Awesome, Social icons, Shields IO, IcoMoon
- Fonts: Google fonts
- Color gradient: uiGradients
- Screen shots: Browser screen shots taken using Full Page Screen Capture Chrome Extension
- Box shadow: CSSmatic
Please report it via issues.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.