This is Yii2 start application template with RESTful api module, backend module and frontend module.
It was created and developing as a fast start for building an advanced sites based on Yii2.
It covers typical use cases for a new project and will help you not to waste your time doing the same work in every project
- Demo
- Features
- Installation
- Application components
- Console commands
- Testing
- How to contribute?
- Donations
- Have any questions
##DEMO Demo is hosted by awesome Digital Ocean
role account
Login: webmaster
Password: webmaster
role account
Login: manager
Password: manager
role account
Login: user
Password: user
- Beautiful and open source dashboard theme for backend AdminLTE 2
- Translations: English, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese
- Translations Editor
- Language change action + behavior to choose locale based on browser preferred language
- Sign in, Sign up, profile(avatar, locale, personal data), email activation etc
- OAuth authorization
- User management
- RBAC with predefined
roles - RBAC migrations support
- Content management components: articles, categories, static pages, editable menu, editable carousels, text blocks
- Key-value storage component
- Application settings form (based on KeyStorage component)
- Ready-to-go RESTful API module
- File storage component + file upload widget
- On-demand thumbnail creation trntv/yii2-glide
- Command Bus with queued and async tasks support trntv/yii2-command-bus
- Useful behaviors (GlobalAccessBehavior, CacheInvalidateBehavior, MaintenanceBehavior)
- Yii2 log web interface
- Application timeline component
- Cache web controller
- Maintenance mode component (more)
- System information web interface
- dotenv support
with ability to replace source code language and migrate messages between message sources- Aceeditor widget
- Datetimepicker widget,
- Imperavi Reactor Widget,
- Elfinder Extension
- Xhprof Debug panel
- Extended IDE autocompletion
- Nginx config example
- Test-ready
- Docker support and Vagrant support
- Built-in mailcatcher
- Assets compression and concatenation
- Some useful shortcuts
- many other features i'm lazy to write about :-)
If you want to store application messages in DB and to have ability to edit them from backend, run:
php console/yii message/migrate @common/config/messages/php.php @common/config/messages/db.php
it will copy all existing messages to database
Then uncomment config for DbMessageSource
Key storage is a key-value storage to store different information. Application settings for example. Values can be stored both via api or by backend CRUD component.
Yii::$app->keyStorage->set('articles-per-page', 20);
Yii::$app->keyStorage->get('articles-per-page'); // 20
Starter kit has built-in component to provide a maintenance functionality. All you have to do is to configure maintenance
component in your config
'bootstrap' => ['maintenance'],
'components' => [
'maintenance' => [
'class' => 'common\components\maintenance\Maintenance',
'enabled' => Astronomy::isAFullMoonToday()
This component will catch all incoming requests, set proper response HTTP headers (503, "Retry After") and show a maintenance message. Additional configuration options can be found in a corresponding class.
Starter kit configured to turn on maintenance mode if frontend.maintenance
key in KeyStorage is set to true
In Starter Kit Command Bus pattern is implemented with tactician package and it's yii2 connector - yii2-tactician
Command are stored in common/commands/command
directory, handlers in common/commands/handler
To execute command run
$sendEmailCommand = new SendEmailCommand(['to' => '', 'body' => 'Hello User!']);
$addToTimelineCommand = new AddToTimelineCommand([
'category' => 'user',
'event' => 'signup',
'data' => ['foo' => 'bar']
public function behaviors()
return [
'class' => `common\behaviors\CacheInvalidateBehavior`,
'tags' => [
return "tag-{$model->id}"
'keys' => [
return "key-{$model->id}"
Add in your application config:
'as globalAccess'=>[
'allow' => true,
'roles' => ['?'],
'allow' => true,
'roles' => ['@'],
'allow' => true,
'roles' => ['?', '@'],
'allow' => true,
'roles' => ['@']
It will allow access to you application only for authentificated users.
Read more about command bus on in official repository
- Create carousel in backend
- Use it:
<?php echo DbCarousel::widget(['key' => 'key-from-backend']) ?>
- Create text block in backend
- Use it:
<?php echo DbText::widget(['key' => 'key-from-backend']) ?>
- Create text block in backend
- Use it:
<?php echo DbMenu::widget(['key' => 'key-from-backend']) ?>
'class' => '\common\grid\EnumColumn',
'attribute' => 'status',
'enum' => User::getStatuses() // [0=>'Deleted', 1=>'Active']
Starter Kit has fully configured and ready-to-go REST API module. You can access it on For some endpoints you should authenticate your requests with one of available methods -
- class for handling multiple models in one
In controller:
$model = new MultiModel([
'models' => [
'user' => $userModel,
'profile' => $userProfileModel
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
In view:
<?php echo $form->field($model->getModel('account'), 'username') ?>
<?php echo $form->field($model->getModel('profile'), 'middlename')->textInput(['maxlength' => 255]) ?>
- allows to set access rules for your application in application config -
- discover user locale from browser or account settings and set it -
- logs user login time -
- validates a value to be a valid json -
- simple rule for RBAC to check if the current user is model owner
Yii::$app->user->can('editOwnModel', ['model' => $model]);
- action filter to check if user is allowed to manage this model
public function behaviors()
return [
'modelAccess' => [
'class' => OwnModelAccessFilter::className(),
'only' => ['view', 'update', 'delete'],
'modelClass' => Article::className()
##How to contribute? You can contribute in any way you want. Any help appreciated, but most of all i need help with docs (^_^)
##Have any questions? mail to
###NOTE This template was created mostly for developers NOT for end users. This is a point where you can begin your application, rather than creating it from scratch. Good luck!