This Program was designed by Aryan Rekhi (me) for his High School Final Project in 2020.
Attendance Software created using python and MySQL
This project is basically a software made for teachers to keep a track of their students’ attendance ,
it uses database management to keep the logs of teachers and register new Teacher IDs .
It also has features like more records regarding the student like their roll no , name , subject taught at that day ,
number of hours taught and ut even has features that helps to search up a student using different methods.
This Project Has been divided in 4 different phases :
- (that’s the first page that pops up when the code is executed)
- ( uses mysql connectivity to add a function with tkinter framework to save the attendance of students)
- ( this page is written to add more functions to give this software more variety and diverse to use.)
- (searches the students logs using Mysql which can be accessed by Teachers).
This page will pop up a window which tells either the input crendentials are correct or wrong.
Signup/Register button will lead to the page shown below:
This page is used to create Teacher ID whose crendentials can be entered in login page to access students records Add Students Record Page:
This is the database where the attendance is stored: Teachers’ Login credentials