This application is part of the Bluegit Device control center service platform.
This application can be run on an IoT Edge Runtime device in 3 modes:
- Clone this repository to your device
- Modify the credentials in the config/config.json file
- Start the application Node app.js
- Pull the docker image from the Github package repository (see packages)
- Make sure to select the right package for the architecture the container will run on
- On the client create the dicrecory /etc/iotedge/infocollector
- Copy the /config/config.json the /etc/iotedge/infocollector
- Modify the credentials in the /etc/iotedge/infocollector /config.json file
- Start the container (IMPORTANT: Below his is an example Make sure you have the right build!!):
sudo docker run -d -v "/etc/iotedge/infocollector":/app/config
node.js version 8+
into sample application folder and
npm install
node main.js
Docker image build