gridfs-nginx plugin that works for real!!
I provide this from our company's development department
after compiling and bug fixing in all of the components in this project.
- Create a folder that you are going to save all the files by:
mkdir nginx-gridfs
- Enter to nginx-gridfs folder.
- Download nginx-1.6.1 from this url:
- Clone this repo by:
git clone
- (optional - the right driver is in the repo) Enter to gridfs-nginx-plugin and clone the mongodb C driver repo by:
git clone
- Step out from gridfs-nginx-plugin by:
cd ..
- Enter to nginx-1.6.1 folder by:
cd nginx-1.6.1
- Run ./configure with the full path to the gridfs-nginx-plugin folder by (make sure that ./configure is runnable - chmod +x ./configure):
./configure --add-module=</path/to/gridfs-nginx-plugin folder>
in the gridfs-nginx-plugin folder change in config file CFLAGS to
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-unused-function -Wno-missing-field-initializers --std=c99 -Isrc"
./configure --add-module=</path/to/gridfs-nginx-plugin folder> --with-cc-opt="-Wno-deprecated-declarations"
* sometimes mac show: comparison of integers of different signs: 'size_t'
(aka 'unsigned long') and 'int' [-Werror,-Wsign-compare] fix these issues.
- Run make by:
- Run make install by:
make install
- Now your Nginx + Nginx-Gridfs is installed under:
/usr/local/nginx - the folder of all nginx folders /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx - the nginx executable
- Add the service in /etc/init.d by:
sudo wget -O /etc/init.d/nginx
- Make sure nginx is execute file by:
chmod +x /etc/init.d/nginx
- Now you can use:
service nginx start
service nginx stop
service nginx restart
Open nginx.conf by:
nano /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
Add the following lines:
server {
listen 80;
server_name <your url>;
location /<choose url>/ {
gridfs <db-name>
root_collection=<the collection of the files>
user=<db username>
pass=<db password>;
Restart nginx by:
service nginx restart
That all if you have any issues or questions please refer to !