Adds an image gallery meta box to the post and page editor. The gallery image IDs are stored in the _gallery_3000
custom field.
Note: This plugin does not provide any template tags or gallery functionality to show the images in your theme.
A simplified example of how this plugin can be used in your theme:
$ids = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_gallery_3000', true );
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $id, 'medium' );
By default, the plugin adds its meta box to the 'post' and 'page' post types. This can be changed by filtering the post types where the gallery meta box should be added:
add_filter( 'gallery_3000_post_types', 'myprefix_filter_options' );
public function myprefix_filter_options( $post_types ) {
// Remove meta box from the 'page' post type edit screen.
if ( ! empty( $post_types['page'] ) {
unset( $post_types['page'] );
// Add meta box to the 'my_cool_post_type' custom post type edit screen.
if ( empty( $post_types['my_cool_post_type'] ) {
$post_types[] = 'my_cool_post_type';
return $post_types;