This is a small PHP component which will add metrics to your cloudwatch account.
- PHP 5.6
- Composer
- aws sdk
Add the project in composer.json:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"bbc-rmp/cloudwatch-monitoringhandler": "dev-master",
Run composer install
use RMP\CloudwatchMonitoringHandler\MonitoringHandler;
use Aws\CloudWatch\CloudWatchClient;
use RMP\CloudwatchMonitoring\CloudWatchClientMock; // cloudwatchMonitoring comes with a cloudWatchClient Mock
$app['env'] = "int";
// This example is using Silex application DI container
$app['monitoring'] = $app->share(function ($c) use ($app) {
// You will need to grab yourself a cloudwatchClient from aws
$cloudwatchClient = new CloudWatchClient([
"region" => "eu-west-1",
"version" => "2010-08-01"
If we're running this from our sandbox, just mock the monitoring, as it cannot communicate
to AWS from our sandbox or localhost
if ($app['env'] === "local" || $app['env'] === "unittests") {
$cloudwatchClient = new CloudWatchClientMock();
return new MonitoringHandler($cloudwatchClient, "your-project-name", $app['env']);
$monitor = new MonitoringHandler($cloudwatchClient, "your-project-name", $app['env']);
return $monitor;
// Usage
$app['monitoring']->application500Error() // This will send a value of 1 to Http500Error metric, with the instance-id and the BBCEnvironment as values too
$app['monitoring']->application404Error() // This will send a value of 1 to Http404Error metric, with the instance-id and the BBCEnvironment as values too
$app['monitoring']->applicationError() // This will send a value of 1 to applicationError metric, with the instance-id and the BBCEnvironment as values too. This is used as a catchAll error for anything not a 404 or a 500
$app['monitoring']->customApplicationError('your error message') // This will send a value of 1 to applicationError metric, with the instance-id and the BBCEnvironment as values too, it will also send error: your error message as another dimension
Unit testing for monitoring is a pain in the backside as the data structure passed to CloudWatch is fairly complex. To help, this library provides a trait you can put in your TestCases to ease this process:
use RMP\CloudwatchMonitoring\MonitoringAssertions;
class MyTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
use MonitoringAssertions;
public function testSomething()
$monitor = new MonitoringHandler();
// Asserts that the monitoring has seen a metric with the MetricName of "applicationError":
$this->assertMonitoringContains($monitor, 'applicationError');
// Asserts that the monitoring has seen a metric with the MetricName of 'applicationError' AND
// that that metric has a given dimension:
$this->assertMonitoringHasDimension($monitor, 'applicationError', ['Name' => 'backend', 'Value' => 'blur']);
// Asserts that the monitoring has seen a metric with the MetricName of 'applicationError' AND
// that that metric has a given value (22):
$this->assertMonitoringHasValue($monitor, 'applicationError', 22);
This repository is available under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. View the LICENSE file for more information.
Copyright (c) 2017 BBC