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A simple script to upload your folder to a remote server, via ftp.

Supports incremental uploads via directory hashing – in other words, if you haven't changed any of the contents of a sub-folder, next time you run this script, it will ignore that sub-folder. Then, if you change any of the contents of that sub-folder, next time you run this script, it will upload that sub-folder.

yarn add --dev upload-site

yarn run upload-site


This package requires Node.js v9 or greater.



  "upload-site": {
    "auth": {
      "host": "",
      "port": 21,
      "authKey": "my-ftppass-json-key"
    "src": "dist",
    "dest": "/blog"


Note: make sure to add .ftppass to your .gitignore!

  "my-ftppass-json-key": {
    "username": "",
    "password": "qwertyui"

CLI options


extra logging


perform all actions except ftp put – useful for testing ftp login, etc