Here is the code for an autonomous and or rf-controlled robot.
This project was built with minimal soldering.
The robot is intended for educational use in a kindergarten.
The chassis with microcontrollers and parts like the ones described are commonly available as commercial products.
- Arduino (Uno was used)
- RF24L+(normal RF24 probably works to)
- L298N motor driver(possible to replace with EasyDriver or something else)
- Ultra Sonic distance sensor(Many options, most common ones function the same)
- Servo motor
- 2 motors with wheels
- A robot chassis
- 6 x 1.5 V(AA/LR6) batteries.(Dependeing on the size of the motor)
- Dupont cables, enough.
- SensorShield 5.0 is used, it is not needed, but it makes connecting many power wires a breaze.
- Arduino (Nano was used)
- RF24L+(normal RF24 probably works to)
- Standard analog joystick.
- 16 channel multiplexer(74HC4067 on a break-out-board was used,but most of the common ones will work)
- Buttons(minimum 4 atm, for the menu to work)
- Nokia 5110 lcd screen(Uses Adafruit grfx and library, should be easy to replace with other adafruit grfx comatible screens.)
- One 9V(6LR61) Battery
- Dupont cables, enough.