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BDSL is a DSL to specify and simulate bigraphs, among other things. This project contains the grammar and language server protocol.

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Bigraph DSL Grammar: Core Elements (CE)

Release Development
BDSL Core Elements (Grammar) 2.0.1 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Bigraph Ecore Metamodel 2.0.1 2.0.1
Gradle Compatability 7.6.2 7.6.2

This projects contains the following major building blocks of BDSL, the Bigraphical Domain-specific Language:

  • Grammar, Parser, Validation, ...
  • Language Server Protocol for language support in any IDE
  • Unit tests

The grammar is implemented using Xtext and Xtend. Xtext is a language development framework, and Xtend is a language that compiles into idiomatic Java source code.

IDE support is provided for the following platforms to be more productive when experimenting with BDSL:

  • Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Code, ... by utilizing the Language Server Protocol

This framework provides the core elements, which may be used in other Java frameworks, libraries and applications. For instance, refer to, where an interpreter for BDSL is implemented.

Getting Started

Maven Configuration

Use the following dependency within a Maven-based project. Replace ${version} with the current version.

<!-- BDSL Grammar -->          


For SNAPSHOT releases also add the following repository to you project's pom.xml:

<!-- Additional Repository for SNAPSHOT Releases -->



  • Java >= 17
  • Gradle >= 7.4.2
  • Check that the environment variable JAVA_HOME is pointing to the correct JDK
    • update-java-alternatives --list
    • export JAVA_HOME=...

Project Setup

First, clone this repository:

git clone --recursive

This project includes Ecore Bigraph Metamodel as git submodule. The main branch of the repository Ecore Bigraph Metamodel will also be pulled. This dependency includes the Ecore metamodels of bigraphs that is used by the Xtext-based BDSL grammar to represent bigraphical structures.

To update the submodule (i.e., the Bigraph Ecore Metamodel) later at any time to the latest tagged version, run the following command:

git submodule update --recursive --remote
# Force overwriting changes
git submodule update --recursive --remote --force

Building from Source

This command builds everything:

# Except tests
./gradlew clean build -x test
# Specific module
# ./gradlew clean :org.bigraphs.dsl:build -x test
# ./gradlew clean :org.bigraphs.dsl.ide:build -x test

The builds can be found in:

  • ./org.bigraphs.dsl/build/libs
  • ./org.bigraphs.dsl.ide/build/libs

Generate Xtext Language Artifacts

You can just generate the code from the Xtext grammar by issuing the next command:

./gradlew clean generateXtextLanguage 
# Specific module
# ./gradlew clean :org.bigraphs.dsl:generateXtext
# ./gradlew clean :org.bigraphs.dsl:generateXtextLanguage

Generate Language Server Protocol

./gradlew shadowJar
# Specific module
./gradlew clean :org.bigraphs.dsl.ide:shadowJar

The build depends on shadowJar task.

Note: The language server protocol *.jar is located under org.bigraphs.dsl.ide/build/libs/.

Run Tests

The following commands show how to run various kinds of tests:

# Run all test cases
./gradlew :org.bigraphs.dsl.tests:test -PwithTests
# All tests within a package
./gradlew test --tests org.bigraphs.dsl.tests.ide.validation* -PwithTests
# All tests within a class
./gradlew test --tests *BdslAffectionUnitTest -PwithTests
# Only a specific test method
./gradlew test --tests *testSignatureMatchOnAssignment_01 -PwithTests

Test report is written to org.bigraphs.dsl.tests/build/reports/tests/test/index.html.

Install Grammar to Local Maven Repository

If you want to use the BDSL grammar artifact in your Java projects for testing and development purposes, you can install the compiled JARs into your local Maven repository (usually located at ~/.m2/). Then it can be conveniently used by other Java projects.

Run the following command:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
./gradlew :org.bigraphs.dsl:publishToMavenLocal
./gradlew :org.bigraphs.dsl.ide:publishToMavenLocal

This publishes only the bdsl-grammar module containing the BDSL.



Every of the following gradle commands accept some arguments:

  • The arguments sonatypeUsername and sonatypePassword are the JIRA account details from
  • signing.keyId, signing.password and signing.secretKeyRingFile must also be configured in within the user's home directory.
    • secret key ring file usually at ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg
    • Otherwise, generate it: gpg --export-secret-keys > ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg
    • For the passphrase, use the one when the keys were generated (cf. also ~/.m2/settings.xml)
  • Arguments can be passed in several ways:

The Gradle GPG signing plugin is used to sign the components for the deployment. It relies on the gpg command being installed:

sudo apt install gnupg2

and the GPG credentials being available e.g. from within the user's home directory. More information can be found here.

SNAPSHOT Deployment

Execute the following goal to deploy the bdsl-grammar module to the Central Repository:

gradle publishToSonatype -PsonatypeUsername=username -PsonatypePassword=password
  • The version element in build.gradle of the parent project must contain the classifier SNAPSHOT.

Release Deployment

Execute the following command to manually release the artifacts placed in the closed staging repository in Nexus UI. The staging repository might be dropped (if needed) or manually released from the Nexus UI.

gradle publishToSonatype closeSonatypeStagingRepository
gradle :org.bigraphs.dsl:publishToSonatype closeSonatypeStagingRepository

Call the following to publish all publications to Sonatype's OSSRH Nexus and subsequently close and release the corresponding staging repository:

gradle publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository

Note: This is not recommended!

Working in Eclipse

This project is best worked with Eclipse. Import everything into a new Eclipse workspace:

  • org.bigraphs.dsl.parent
  • bigraphs.bigraph-ecore-metamodel (the cloned Git submodule is also contained after following the Project Setup instructions)

You may need to re-generate the model code of the bigraphs.bigraph-ecore-metamodel project as this process is not currently handled by the gradle script.

You may then be able to run the "MWE2 workflow" and to generate "Xtext artifacts" via the Eclipse IDE inside the org.bigraphs.dsl project, or call the appropriate gradle command as shown above.

Project Structure

  • gradle-based Project
  • Language infrastructure for Bigraph DSL (BDSL) based on Xtext is located under org.bigraphs.dsl
  • Language Server Protocol Implementation is located under org.bigraphs.dsl.ide
  • Test classes are located under ./org.bigraphs.dsl.tests/
    • Requires modules org.bigraphs.dsl and org.bigraphs.dsl.ide
  • (!) Note that the required CDO/EMF/Ecore dependencies are stored separately inside the ./etc/libs folder. The reason is that there is currently no easy way on how to resolve Eclipse dependencies from P2 repositories in gradle. To clarify: Updating the versions means replacing the files. These dependencies are shadowed in the bdsl-grammar JAR


BDSL is a DSL to specify and simulate bigraphs, among other things. This project contains the grammar and language server protocol.







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