This script is written to copy/sync songs from xspf playlist (used in Tauon Music Box) to any other path or to a FTP server
- ffmpeg
- opus-tools
- mediainfo
First, you need to export the xspf file
To do so, right click on playlist, then Misc -> Export xspf and you are redirected to the folder where the playlist is stored
python -p (path_to_xspf_file) -o (playlist_directory_in_ftp_server) -f (ftp_server_address)
Enter port: (enter your port number)
Does it require login? (Y/N): (enter if it requires login)
python -p "/home/cyclonejet/.local/share/TauonMusicBox/playlists/vibe.xspf" -o "Music/playlist" -f
Enter port: 2121
Does it require login? (Y/N): N
- To transcode/convert flac to mp3 v0, pass
- To sync playlist with destination, pass
python -p (path_to_xspf_file) -o (directory_path)
python -p "/home/cyclonejet/.local/share/TauonMusicBox/playlists/vibe.xspf" -o "/run/media/cyclonejet/phone_sd"
- To transcode/convert flac to opus, pass
- To transcode/convert flac to mp3, pass
-c mp3
- To sync playlist with destination, pass
Pull requests are welcome!