A keyboard module for LÖVR.
Note: This library is obsolete. All of its functionality is present in the
module now.
Copy lovr-keyboard.lua
to your project and require it. I like to put it on the lovr
global like this:
lovr.keyboard = require 'lovr-keyboard'
function lovr.update(dt)
lovr-keyboard can only run on systems where LÖVR uses both LuaJIT and GLFW. If your project needs to be compatible with Android or WebVR, you can optionally include lovr-keyboard with:
if type(jit) == 'table' and lovr.getOS() ~= 'Android' and lovr.getOS() ~= 'Web' then
lovr.keyboard = require 'lovr-keyboard'
keyboard.isDown(key, ...)
Returns whether any of the specified keys are held down. The names of all the supported keys can be found here.keyboard.wasPressed(key, ...)
Returns whether any of the keys were pressed this frame.keyboard.wasReleased(key, ...)
Returns whether any of the keys were released this frame.lovr.keypressed(key)
Called when a key is pressed.lovr.keyreleased(key)
Called when a key is released.lovr.textinput(text)
Called when characters are entered.