Micro-library for publishing to clojars from deps.edn + tools.build.
This library is scoped to be for library authors which utilize tools.build in their workflow.
I wanted a more "bare-bones" library for publishing to clojars which
I can hook into tools.build
. This is "bare-bones" as it get's, given
it is a single function which wraps pomegranate
and provides some
basic checks against inputs.
If you need extra functionality, or want more of a "batteries included" solution, check out the Alternatives at the bottom of the README.
Add dependency to deps.edn :build
alias (may differ for your project):
{:extra-deps {io.github.clojure/tools.build {:mvn/version "..."}
; Add as an extra dep to :build alias
land.bnert/publicize {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}}
:ns-default build}}}
Add the following to your build.clj
file (or the equivalent in your project):
(ns build
[clojure.tools.build.api :as b]
[publicize.core :as p]))
(defn clean [_]
(b/delete {:path "target"}))
(defn jar [_]
(clean nil)
(let [b (b/create-basis {:project "deps.edn"})
; Optional, though recommended.
; Will clean clojure version from deps,
; which in turn will exclude the clojure version from the
; generated pom.xml
b (p/clean-clojure-dep b)]
{:basis basis
:class-dir "target/classes"
:lib 'myorg.mygroup/mylib
:src-dirs (get basis :paths ["src"])
:version "0.1.0"
:pom-data [[:licenses
[:name "Name of license"]
[:url "https://..."]]]]}
; Optional
:scm {:url "https://..."})
{:src-dirs (get basis :paths ["src"])
:target-dir "target/classes"})
{:class-dir class-dir
:jar-file "target/mylib.jar"})))
(defn publicize [_]
(let [pom-path (b/pom-path
{:class-dir "", :lib 'myorg.mygroup/mylib})]
(jar nil)
{:lib 'myorg.mygroup/mylib
:version "0.1.0"
:jar-file "target/mylib.jar"
:pom-path pom-path})))
Then, call via cli:
$ CLOJARS_USERNAME=... CLOJARS_PASSWORD=... clj -T:build publicize
- More of a "bundled" approach which handles jar packaging for you.
- Is a super-set of
with some nifty features (if I am interpretting the README correctly). Check it out if you need more functionailty than what is here.
- Is a super-set of