A lightweight scripting language that compiles in to mcfunction.
MCB stand for Mincraft Boon. MCB is a lightweight scripting language that compiles in to mcfunction. It support functional programming, giving power to make your coding process faster.
Cuz mcfunction suck so i build MCB but trust me.... there is no cure.
node js >=v16.0.0
# install with npm
npm install -g mcb-lang
# install with yarn
yarn global add mcb-lang
mcb init
# want help?
mcb help
# initialize project.
mcb init
# build project.
mcb build or mcb .
# tools for project configs and more.
mcb mk or mcb make
MCB is a statically typed language. This means that variables do have types in declaration.
Basic declaration
Restrict area no floating variables allowed.
// Format
let <objective>:score <criteria> <displayname>
// Usage
let foo:score dummy
let bar:score air Boon
Compiled code
scoreboard objectives add foo dummy
Set value in variable
// Format
<scoreboard_objective>[<target>] = value
// Usage
foo[x] = 10
bar[@s] = 5
Compiled code
scoreboard players set x foo 10
scoreboard players set @s bar 5
print("hi ${x[0]}")
fun hello(){
x[a] = 0
for(x[i] in 1..5;1){
say hi
x[a] = 5
print("while 1 ${x[a]}")
Input parameters is not support in this version. return output too. π
A Function with no Input
fun hello(){ say hello } // this is how you can call function. hello()
means that the function is run after the datapack has loaded, triggered by minecraft:tags\functions\load.json
// you will got a message in your minecraft chat after the datapack was loaded.
load fun hi_at_start(){
means that the function is run every tick by minecraft:tags\functions\tick.json
// you will got a hi message in your minecraft chat every tick
tick fun hi_every_tick(){
say hi
and tick
// you will got a hi message in your minecraft chat every tick and on loaded.
tick load fun hey(){
say hi
// you will got a hello message in your minecraft chat every tick and on loaded.
load tick fun hello(){
say hello
mix another language to generate code
return ["say hi","say hello"]
Mix result
say hi
say hello
All of Project-Files in here. MCB used folder structure following by this 3 words.
<namespace> β mcbpack.json
+ Your Project-Files
ββ +static\ //coming soon
β ββ +<Your Static File>
ββ +<Your Folder>\
β ββ +<Your File>.mcb
ββ +<Your File>.mcb
ββ mcbpack.json
The presence of a mcbpack.json
file in directory indicates that directory is root
of MCB Project.
file is a configuration file specifies The root files and compiler options to let The MCB compiler compile projects.
"name": "Hello",
"mcVersion": 1.17,
"obfusticate": true // comming soon
"output": "/dist-test"
"output": "/dist"
// comming soon
"warppp": "1.0"