Dots for i3-gaps, urxvt, polybar, neovim, zsh, rofi, ranger etc. Optimized for maximum productivity!
Preferably, run this over a fresh ArchLinux install, with base packages (see below):
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
chmod +x
The script takes care of backing up your existing dots
and symlinking the rest from the .dotfiles
If for some reason, you clone this repo with a different name,
edit the directory name in the following files:
and zshrc
- Follow the installation guide and create a user in sudoers group
- Install the following packages for base:
sudo pacman -Sy xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-xrandr
- Proceed to clone the repo and run installer script.
Note: For some reason, dhcpcd
is not installed,
Install that before proceeding
- [] Add Tmux
- [] Configure vim-airline