genpasswd is a tool for creating randomised strings with an assortment of characters, written in Python. Because of this, it is highly customisable, by argv options and by modifying the script itself.
genpasswd [length] [-ilush]
-i Exclude integers from the password
-l Exclude lowercase letters from the password
-u Exclude uppercase letters from the password
-s Exclude special characters letters from the password
-h | --help Show the help screen
$ genpasswd
Created password 10 characters long:
$ genpasswd -i
Created password 10 characters long:
$ genpasswd 20
Created password 20 characters long:
$ genpasswd 36 -l -s
Created password 36 characters long:
To install on most Unix-like operating systems, ensure python3 and git are installed.
- First,
git clone
or download 'genpasswd' from a release in the releases tab. - Open a terminal and enter the directory containing 'genpasswd' by
cd Random-password-generator/
- Make the 'genpasswd' file executable by
chmod +x genpasswd
- (Optional) Move the executable into a $PATH directory with
sudo cp genpasswd /usr/local/bin/
ordoas cp genpasswd /usr/local/bin/
(shoutout to BSD users)
To install on Windows, first get a better operating system- alright, fine. Install python3, download 'genpasswd' from the releases tab, and right-click open with python in file explorer (I think, I honestly have no idea).